For Emergency Maintenance After Hours: 318.247.6035
For Normal Maintenance from 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM: 318.247.6035
Tenants are to give the Landlord prompt notice of any defects in the plumbing fixture, appliance, heating equipment, or any other part of the unit or related facilities.
Emergencies are the highest priority source of work. The Grambling Housing Authority will consider a work item to be an emergency if there is a threat to life, safety, the health of residents, or the structure of the property or systems without prompt attention.
For reference, lost keys and being locked out of the apartment IS NOT an emergency.
Emergency Issues:
- Apartment front or rear entry doors.
- If not shutting and/or locking, this is an emergency issue.
- Water heater or refrigerator not working Saturday or Sunday.
- The commode stopped up/not flushing correctly.
- If you only have one commode, this is considered an emergency issue.
- Heat
- No heat in your apartment is an emergency issue if the outside temperature is below 40 degrees.
- DO NOT use stove/range as a heat source.
- Issues that are life-threatening or hazardous to health or cause major damage to the inside or outside of the apartment.
- Electric shorts in outlets (smoking, sparks, etc.)
- The waterline is broken.
- The line cannot be shut off.